Grades 1 and 2 are playing futsal


This school year, we are starting a futsal program for Grades 1 and 2. Futsal is the perfect first step to teach our youngest students the basics of football.

By Rodrigo Serrano de Marta, primary PHE teacher

Futsal is like football but simpler. It is played indoors with a smaller, heavier ball and fewer players. This helps students with better ball control,  teaches them to think quickly and to make faster passes. By starting with futsal, children can build a strong foundation in coordination, teamwork, and strategy before transitioning to the larger field version of football.

Futsal: the sport

While futsal is a fantastic way to prepare for playing football on grass, it is also a sport in its own right. Many players around the world choose to continue playing futsal as a long-term passion. Its dynamic, skill-based nature makes it a lifelong sport that can be enjoyed for fitness, competition, and fun at any age.

Futsal: history

Futsal originates from South America and helped shape many of the world’s best football players. Stars like Lionel Messi began their journeys with futsal because it helped them improve their touch and technique.

Futsal: Goals

This is just the beginning! We hope this futsal program grows bigger each year and inspires students to love sports, teamwork, and staying active.We are excited to see our young players having fun and learning on the futsal court soon!